Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Today's list...

Are you a list maker? I totally am. I have numerous lists floating around in my head, but once I wrote them down it's amazing how much more productive I am. And not just me. I am a maker of the 'honey-do' lists as well. And let me tell you, my husband is awesome at finishing and crossing off his tasks. I have learned that if I want him to do something, instead of just mentioning it for a couple weeks over and over I just make him a list and everything is taken care of in a matter of hours. Score. Anyways... I have a butt load of things on my list lately. And because I can't seem to track down a single notepad (thank you move) I am putting it up here. (And for some extra motivation and push to get these things done)

Things to do TODAY:
-Work on organizing the kids toys & books in their room
-Work on hanging up more photo's and art in the house
-Take yet ANOTHER load to Savers
-Go to the gym
-Go to Zumba
-Fold the laundry
-Watch the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars before it expires today!
-Buy cheese. (Making homemade Cafe Rio Pork right now, so we need to have cheese for the tacos.)
-Start listing items on Etsy
-Work on vacation blog posts. I am about 5 behind.
-Pack for Park City
-Do 3 more loads of laundry.
-Hang up the rest of my jewelry.
-Make hubby a card
-Vacuum (again)
-Polish the floors
-Write WIWW post so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow before we leave.

*So my internet went down a couple hours ago before I could post this. So in the mean time I worked on some of these. The kids room is looking much better and the walls aren't so bare around here anymore. One day the unpacking will be over....right!?!?

So who wants to come watch my kids so I can knock some more of these off? And who wants to join me for Zumba and the gym? Trying to hit up both today because we are going out of town for our anniversary tomorrow and I know I am going to splurge... (and like stated previous I am make Cafe Rio Pork for dinner....)

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