Friday, June 29, 2012

Stop Being Fat! Friday.

As I sat down to write this post, I really struggled on what to say. I haven't been feeling like this was a 'good' week for me. And I wasn't sure why? I've been eating good, and making it to the gym. But I didn't make it to Zumba once this week, and the scale hasn't gone down at all. However as I thought about it I realized that this was a good week for me. 

This week I have continued with the 5K runner app. I am still loving it. I'm done with week 2 now, and only have 6 weeks to go. It seems like FOREVER! But as I was finishing up my run last night I was thinking about how I felt like I had just started the program and already I am 25% of the way done. (Pats self on back).

I have also done circuit training twice this week and I want to continue that as well. I have done this before but never consistently.  I still have a long way to go, but already I can feel a difference since starting this program. Not in my weight or inches or anything, but I just feel good.  I have so much more endurance. I don't notice it while running, but now on the bike or the elliptical, doing levels I used to never be able to do are now a piece of cake. My muscles hurt. Muscles that haven't hurt in years. And it's a good kind of hurt.

Thank you for all your comments! I had no idea so many of you were runners and have done this program too. I really want you all to do the 'RunTheRave' with me! 

And thank you for your snack ideas. I've been trying them out and I have to say thank you Rachel for the tips on the fruit salad. I made a huge bowl of delicious fresh fruit earlier this week and I have munching on it all week. I never knew that adding a little lemon juice and honey would do the trick. (Keeps it all fresh, and the honey takes away the tartness of the lemon.) It seriously has stayed nice and fresh and crisp all week and has saved me from numerous cookies.

So although I am bummed about Zumba (it really makes me happy!) I guess I did have a good week. I need to remember not to focus so much on the numbers. Yes I want/need to lose weight but my overall goal has always been to get healthy. And this week I am feeling healthy.

What do you do to keep your motivation up? 

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